Conversion table

Conversion Chart for pressure
The SI unit of pressure is the pascal (Pa), but often the pressure instrument is calibrated in other units of measurement. To convert to pascals pressure value must be multiplied by the conversion factor in the following table. The bold marked conversion factors are exact values.

Unit Conversion factor
Pa 1
kPa 1 000
MPa 1 000 000
bar 100 000
Mbar 100
hPa 100
N/mm 1 000 000
Kp/cm 98 066,5
psi 6 894,76
torr 133, 322
mm Hg (0˚C) 133,322
inch Hg (0˚C) 3 386,39
mm Vp (conventional) 9,80665
mm Vp (20˚C) 9,78907
m Vp (conventional) 9 806,65
m Vp (20˚C) 9 789,07
cm Vp (conventional) 98,0665
cm Vp (20˚C) 97,8907
inch Vp (conventional) 249,089
inch Vp (20˚C) 248,642
atm 101 325

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